The COMED report

EVOLEN is delighted to announce the publication of the #COMED report on skills and professions in the field of decarbonized energies on the government’s website.

This report provides a country-level assessment of the skills and professions needed in 7 key sectors of the decarbonized energy field in France and the outlook for jobs in this industry by 2030. It maps out existing training provision and pinpoints areas currently lacking such provision with a view to ensuring there is adequate training provision that is both appropriate to the needs of industry and attractive to prospective students.

The COMED report, key statistics: it’s forecast that 350,000 jobs will be created in the decarbonized energy field by 2030. 178 key competencies were identified in 115 hard-to-fill professions. There are currently 9,500 training programmes available.

We would like to thank all our partners, contributors and Accenture for making this report possible!

We will shortly organize dedicated events at regional level to present the report’s results and ways to develop skills, training and the attractiveness of our energy sector.

Alongside the COMED report addressing cross-cutting and multi-sectoral issues, you may find the following white papers to be of interest:
“Skills and professions in the hydrogen sector, Planning ahead to successfully develop an industry of strategic importance” France Hydrogen white paper
“Energy for a new impetus for France” – France Wind Energy white paper 
“Wind Energy Observatory 2021” – Capgemini x France Wind Energy white paper 
“Prospective study of professions and skills in the gas, heat, and associated energy solutions sector by 2030” – OPCO2i x EDHEC white paper

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