About us

Our Vision 

EVOLEN helps energy sector companies and professionals develop sustainable, reliable and cost-competitive solutions to achieve the energy industry’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Our Mission

To bring together all of the stakeholders in our industry in France and abroad, acting as a facilitator and providing them with a public platform.


  • Support our companies in their strategies for growth.
  • Encourage and promote innovation.
  • Support projects and startups.
  • Contribute to the dissemination of scientific, technical and market knowledge.
  • Promote expertise and inclusivity, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to develop their talents.

Our Commitment 

As actors in the energy transition, our development strategies centre on innovative and environmentally responsible solutions to accelerate decarbonization, develop renewable energies and promote the skills of the talented people who are at the forefront of our industry.


EVOLEN liaises with French and EU institutions on behalf of its members in order to:

  • Promote their expertise and skills.
  • Defend their interests.
  • Communicate their views on the strategic direction and public policy and regulatory changes by participating, among other initiatives, in public debates on energy.
    EVOLEN is registered with the Haute Autorité pour la Transparence de la Vie Publique (an independent French public standards watchdog).