Accueil Evénements - EVOLEN - Energies Aujourd'hui & Demain Are You Culturally Savvy? How to Excel in a Multicultural Industry

Are You Culturally Savvy? How to Excel in a Multicultural Industry

SPE France and EVOLEN proudly invite you to an in-person  conference on

On Tuesday, September 5th, 17:00 in person,

CAMPUS AVISO – Tour AVISO – Bâtiment B – 13, rue Jean Jaurès – Boulevard Alexandre Soljenitsyne – 92800 PUTEAUX
Plan d’accès

Abstract :
Leaders and professionals of the remarkably diverse energy industry need to know and understand different cultures and their values to establish successful international business relationships. This talk will help energy leaders and professionals navigate through cultural differences and seize the competitive advantage of leading and working effectively and productively with their international peers, partners and customers to beneficially impact the business bottom line.

Attendees of this talk will be able to identify their own cultural values and the cultural values of their counterparts. They will get clues to reconcile those cultural values and make them work together. Potential interactions at work will illustrate five cultural dimensions associated with distinctive behaviors. We will explore how we lead, plan, reason, communicate, and reward personnel depending on our culture. Understanding these concepts will open opportunities to develop rewarding business relationships.

It is well-known that the diversity of thoughts and perspectives and the practice of inclusive behaviors boost innovation and corporate performance, supporting the organization’s long-term success. The ultimate goal of this talk is to inspire attendees to consider that cultural, ethnic and nationality diversity might be the company’s greatest asset.


Biography :
Patricia E. Carreras is the general director of the energy consulting company Blue Moon Strategies, LLC. She has more than 25 years of international experience leading and advising majors and independent energy companies on field development planning leveraging reservoir simulation. Additionally, she is a public speaker, mentor, and coach on topics of sustainable development, leadership, diversity and inclusion, and cross-cultural effectiveness. Carreras has worked based in the USA, Mexico and Argentina, and has visited for business Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman. She is an active member of SPE, serving as 2022–2023 chair for the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Committee. She is a past member of the SPE Business Management and Leadership Committee (BMLC). Carreras is one of the authors of the first-ever D&I survey launched by the BMLC in May 2020. She volunteers as a mentor for the SPE eMentoring program since 2018. She is the chair of the SPE Gulf Coast Section (GCS) Continuing Education Committee, which received the 2021–2022
SPE GCS Outstanding Committee award under her tenure. Carreras received the 2020–2021 SPE GCS Exemplary Volunteer award. She holds a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Buenos Aires and a master’s degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University. She successfully completed the Business Sustainability Management training from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) in 2022.



L'événement est terminé.


mardi 05 septembre 2023



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