Accueil Evénements - EVOLEN - Energies Aujourd'hui & Demain Offshore hydrogen in Scotland and France

Offshore hydrogen in Scotland and France

Webinar organized by EVOLEN and SDI (Scottish Development International), the trade and investment arm of the Scottish government

Thursday 21st April 2022 – 9am – 11am UK time or 10am – 12am French time

Offshore hydrogen in Scotland and France: technologies, know-how and perspectives

The event aims at presenting Scotland’s and France’s technologies, know-how, and perspectives in the field of offshore hydrogen to explore collaboration opportunities between companies of both countries.

Romain Provost de la Fardinière, General Delegate Energy Transition, EVOLEN
David Decrock, Country Director France, Scottish Development International

1/ Opening
Jean Cahuzac, President of EVOLEN
David Decrock, Country Director France, Scottish Development International

2/ Offshore hydrogen in Scotland and France: overview and perspectives
Philippe Muguerra, Coordinator of EVOLEN’s Offshore Hydrogen Group
Opportunities, potential in France and challenges

Martyn Tulloch, Head of Energy System Integration at Net Zero Technology Center (NZTC)
From O&G to Green Hydrogen – Scotland’s energy transition

3/ Focus on flagship projects and key capabilities

David Caine, Partner – ERM (Scotland)
Presentation of the Dolphyn project (Deepwater Offshore Local Production of HYdrogeN)

Marc RousseletLHYFE (France), Director Offshore Deployment
Offshore demonstrator & hydrogen roadmap: Bouin, SEM REV, fixed and floating concepts

Jamie McCallum, Senior Engineer – Wood /NZTC (Scotland)
Decarbonising the North Sea through renewables and hydrogen : The Intog programme (innovation and targeted Oil and Gas decarbonisation)

Gwenaëlle BenoitSofresid (France), Offshore & New Energies Project Manager
Offshore hydrogen production and conceptual study: a collaborative floating concept of hydrogen production with 10MW electrolysis capacity

4) Q&A

5) Wrap-up and next steps




L'événement est terminé.


jeudi 21 avril 2022


10:00 - 12:00



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